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Lincoln Elementary

Part of the Clovis Unified School District


A collection of sports equipment featuring a baseball bat, tennis ball, tennis racket, and a soccer ball

The Four Seasons
At Lincoln we have four different athletic seasons. Every student in Grades 4 - 6 are given opportunities to participate in athletics each season. Here, you will find information for each season including: the sports available, schedules, athletic packets and more.

All student athletes must sign a Code of Participation contract which outlines the school guidelines. Students may also choose to be a Sports Manager for any sport during the season.
If you have any questions, please contact our Athletic Director Steve Dunbar

Pertinent "Paperwork"
All former paperwork has been replaced with a digital version. Every student who would like to participate as a manager or athlete must have this filled out online. Permission form.

If your child is participating in cheer, fill out the cheer permission form.